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Minggu, 25 September 2016

Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja

Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja
By:"John Resig","Bear Bibeault"
Published on 2013 by Manning Publications

Written to be accessible to JavaScript developers with intermediate-level skills. This book takes readers on a journey towards mastering modern JavaScript development in three phases: design, construction, and maintenance.


In Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja, JavaScript expert John Resig reveals the inside know-how of the elite JavaScript programmers. Written to be accessible to JavaScript developers with intermediate-level skills. This book takes readers on a journey towards mastering modern JavaScript development in three phases: design, construction, and maintenance. It first establishes a base of strong, advanced JavaScript knowledge. The book then teaches readers how to construct a JavaScript library. It examines all the numerous tasks JavaScript libraries have to tackle and provides practical solutions and development strategies. It then presents the various maintenance techniques required to keep their code running well into the future. With Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja readers will gain the knowledge and Ninja-like skills to build their own JavaScript libraries, or to understand how to use any modern JavaScript library available. What's inside: Introduction Testing and debugging Functions Closures Function prototypes Timers Regular expressions With statements Code evaluation Strategies for cross-browser code CSS Selector Engine DOM modification Attributes and CSS Events Ajax Animation Performance

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