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Senin, 26 September 2016

Murach's C# 2015

Murach's C# 2015
By:"Anne Boehm","Joel Murach"
Published on 2016-02-06 by

This core C# book has been a favorite of developers ever since the 1st edition came out in 2004. So you can be sure that this 6th edition will deliver the professional skills you're looking for.


This book gets you off to a fast start by showing you how to use Visual Studio 2015, C# 6.0, and the .NET 4.6 classes to develop Windows Forms applications. Next, it shows you the best techniques for developing object-oriented applications. Then, it shows you how to handle data a must in business development using data sources, ADO.NET code, and the Entity Framework for database data and LINQ for data structures like arrays and collections. Along the way, it gives you the core C# and Visual Studio skills that you need to develop any C# application whether for Windows, the web, or mobile devices. In short, No other core C# book teaches you so much, so fast, or so thoroughly.

This Book was ranked 3 by Google Books for keyword joel murach.

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