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Sabtu, 24 September 2016

Remaining Relevant

Remaining Relevant
By:"Rob Nixon"
"Business & Economics"
Published on 2015-03-27 by Fontaine Press Pty Ltd

The age of the dinosaur firm is coming to an end, and this book is a must for any accountant who wants to remain relevant in the 21st Century.” Chris Hooper, CEO, Accodex Adelaide, Australia


‘Remaining Relevant’ is practical and practiced advice for accountants to remain relevant in a ‘disrupted’ industry and has been described as “the most important business book that you will read this year.” Anthony S Bongiorno, The Bongiorno Group. The explosion of cloud computing and its impact on the accounting industry is the impetus for ‘Remaining Relevant’, which is all about the future of the accounting profession - essential reading in this manual for an accountant’s success. “Technology is enabling and will demand the accounting profession to transform. From the changing the engagement and service mix within a firm, to fixed fee billing and off shoring ... everything is up for review. As long-term industry insider and visionary, Rob has the unique capability to help accountants focus on what is important through his direct, and at times confronting, analysis of the profession. A must read.” Tim Reed, MYOB CEO “Rob Nixon is to accounting what Peter Drucker was to strategy: He creates new paradigms and fresh approaches to a discipline that would be headed for the doldrums without him.” Alan Weiss, PhD, Author, Million Dollar Consulting Rhode Island, USA “The accounting game is changing forever. Any partner who doesn’t acknowledge this is kidding themselves. The age of the dinosaur firm is coming to an end, and this book is a must for any accountant who wants to remain relevant in the 21st Century.” Chris Hooper, CEO, Accodex Adelaide, Australia

This Book was ranked 27 by Google Books for keyword robin nixon.

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