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Minggu, 30 Oktober 2016

Murach's Visual Basic 6

Murach's Visual Basic 6
By:"Edward Koop","Anne Prince","Joel Murach"
Published on 1999 by Mike Murach & Associates Incorporated

In section one of this book you will learn how to develop a substantial Visual Basic application.


In section one of this book you will learn how to develop a substantial Visual Basic application. By the time you have finished the first four chapters, you will know how to develop, test and debug applications with multiple document interfaces. In section two you will learn how to develop database applications the way the best professionals do. At the same time you will learn how to use the best new features of Visual Basic 6 for developing those applications. In the last section, you will master other skills that a professional programmer needs, like how to distribute an application and how to create and use ActiveX components as you develop systems.

This Book was ranked 21 by Google Books for keyword joel murach.

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