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Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2016

The Mumps Programming Language

The Mumps Programming Language
By:"Kevin C. O'Kane"
Published on 2008-06 by CreateSpace

An introduction to the Mumps Programming Language including programming examples.Mumps (Massachusetts General Hospital Utility Multi-programming System) is a general purpose programming language environment that provides ACID (Atomic, ...


Revised and Improved, 2010. An introduction to the Mumps language and programming guide for the open source M2 Mumps compiler and interpreter. Mumps is a simple, easily learned, powerful database and string manipulation language which is ideal for both desktop and server applications. Mumps began life in the mid 60's as a general purpose programming language designed for medical applications. It stood apart from other languages of the time by supporting an easily manipulated hierarchical database, flexible string handling support, pattern matching, and a simple, easily learned syntax similar to Basic. The unique Mumps global array database effectively unlimited (32 terabytes) sparse, string indexed, multi-dimensional arrays.

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